On February 26th, 2025 Fellowship of the Outdoors will be hosting their very first Celebration of the Outdoors Event at Arlington Hall off of Turtle Creek Boulevard in Dallas, Texas. This event will include a live auction, an exclusive raffle, and a elite keynote speaker with a passion for the outdoors, Chris Fowler. Our organization is an outdoor-focused 501(c)(3) with the intent to encourage the growth and education of future outdoor enthusiasts for the benefit of mental health and spirituality. We would love to have your assistance in bringing this event to life!

Please click the link below to learn more about your sponsorship options, and contact us at info@fellowshipoftheoutdoors.com if you have auction / raffle items you would like to donate to our cause. Thank you so much for everything you do for the outdoors! We are excited to be in partnership with you in this event to bring the outdoors to more families in Dallas-Fort Worth!

Details including but not limited to dates, speaker and venue are all subject to change.